April Fool’s day is celebrated on the 1st of April. People often play practical jokes or pranks or spread hoaxes ! The name refers to the victimes of these jokes and hoaxes : the April fool !
In the United Kingdom and Ireland, most people believe that it stops at midday. Therefore, if you want to play a practical joke or spead a hoax you must do it before 12 o’clock !
Almost every year there is a hoax about one or more countries in the British Isles changing the side of the road that they drive on following the 1st April. Normally, in Ireland, Scotland, England and Wales we drive on the left side of the road ! In Europe, we drive on the right !
In 1957, the BBC (British Broadcasting Cooporation) made a very famous April Fool’s joke by publishing an news report on the apparent ‘spaghetti harvest’ in Swizterland where spaghetti grows on trees !