• clap a pattern which children clap back
• count to 3 slowly 1 - 2 - 3
• point to the ceiling, point to the floor, point to the window and point to the door
• put arm straight in front and stay quiet
• put quiet signs on the board to show working time should be quiet
• start singing “Are you listening ?”(like Brother John’s rhyme), students answering “We are listening.”(same rhyme)
• Eyes on me, eyes on you
Teacher - “One, two, three”
Students - “…eyes on me !” (Students point to themselves)
Teacher - “One, two”
Students - “…eyes on you !” (Students point to the teacher)
Voici une autre suggestion d’un assistant américain, Tyler :
• Positions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
– Instruct students to listen and watch
o 1 – Hands at your side
o 2 – Hands behind your back
o 3 – Hands on your head
o 4 – Hands straight up in the air
o 5 – Hands together on your stomach, head down, eyes closed
– Instruct students to listen, look, and do
– Using numbers, have the students listen as you count from 1-5
– Change the order
– Do incorrect actions as you instruct students to listen but not repeat the actions you do
Si vous souhaitez partager d’autres idées qui permettent, pendant le cours de langue, de retrouver l’attention de tous merci de nous écrire à :
ce.ia69-cpdlv chez ac-lyon.fr